Wednesday, 13 May 2009

The Red Rose of Mother's Day 母亲节的红玫瑰

这个周末,一年一度的母亲节又伴随着春风,悄然来临。 Alex, 朋友 Nancy 六岁左右的小儿子。昨天,给妈妈 Nancy 送上了一支娇艳的玫瑰。Nancy 一脸幸福地说,虽然这是她丈夫在一旁授意 Alex 这么做的,她心里却同样感到欣慰。接过玫瑰,拥抱儿子的那一瞬间,Nancy 说,她心里油然而生的是作为一个母亲的骄傲和自豪。 母亲节,祝福天下的所有母亲健康快乐!
Every year, once Spring becomes warm, on the second Sunday of May, Mother's Day arrives. Alex, a six year old boy, gave a red rose to Nancy who is his mother yesterday. Nancy told me, she was very excited at that moment even though she had known this is her husband arranged. Actually, in her opinion, the best gift is not the red rose, it is the pure love between her and her little boy. Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers everywhere!

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