Wednesday, 13 May 2009
body fat breast augmentation
Me a lot of female friends are always close to their chest level to worry about low self-esteem, at the same time also for his bloated body and lit. At this time many people have any kind of discussion to their stomach or thigh肉肉transplanted to the chest surgery. In fact, this kind of surgery has existed for a long time, Beijing Contemporary Women's Hospital will be able to do this a perfect surgery, so that more female friends no longer distressed. Beijing Contemporary Women's Hospital experts tell us that this surgery is breast augmentation surgery since the body fat. Plastic industry in today's highly developed, a variety of plastic surgery of high-tech technology, high-tech materials and styles, with each passing day. For the vast number of beauty to provide more choice. However, with today's green era, a new era of more and more women, the fashion choices of body fat from breast augmentation surgery. Remove parts of its own bloated excess body fat, at the same time use them to make up the chest of the tall and straight, so do both of the ultimate effect of these on their own lack of self-confidence of female chest calmly and resolutely opted for breast augmentation surgery since the body fat. Since the body fat breast augmentation surgery from their own organizations, will be automatically integrated into the chest of the adipose tissue itself and form a unified whole, of course, is absolutely safe. At present in medical plastic beauty, the most commonly used autologous tissue is the fat tissue itself. Although there are many people very much annoyed by the beauty of fat, adipose tissue may in some cases it can bring us surprises. There are still many women on the safety of this operation and the success rate of the existence of doubts, in fact, the previous reasons for the failure of a similar operation only: 1, for U.S. customers do not have enough fat source; 2, fat transplantation obsolete, out of a lot of fat cells had been destroyed when the fat graft survival rate is not high; 3, transplant surgeon for technical reasons, resulting in transplantation of adipose tissue liquefaction absorption, and even calcification and fibrosis.
The Red Rose of Mother's Day 母亲节的红玫瑰
这个周末,一年一度的母亲节又伴随着春风,悄然来临。 Alex, 朋友 Nancy 六岁左右的小儿子。昨天,给妈妈 Nancy 送上了一支娇艳的玫瑰。Nancy 一脸幸福地说,虽然这是她丈夫在一旁授意 Alex 这么做的,她心里却同样感到欣慰。接过玫瑰,拥抱儿子的那一瞬间,Nancy 说,她心里油然而生的是作为一个母亲的骄傲和自豪。 母亲节,祝福天下的所有母亲健康快乐!
Every year, once Spring becomes warm, on the second Sunday of May, Mother's Day arrives. Alex, a six year old boy, gave a red rose to Nancy who is his mother yesterday. Nancy told me, she was very excited at that moment even though she had known this is her husband arranged. Actually, in her opinion, the best gift is not the red rose, it is the pure love between her and her little boy. Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers everywhere!
Every year, once Spring becomes warm, on the second Sunday of May, Mother's Day arrives. Alex, a six year old boy, gave a red rose to Nancy who is his mother yesterday. Nancy told me, she was very excited at that moment even though she had known this is her husband arranged. Actually, in her opinion, the best gift is not the red rose, it is the pure love between her and her little boy. Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers everywhere!
a smiling flower
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
家中摆放鲜花还要因应不同的场合,是与好友共聚吗?还是与情人相会?是正式的宴会还是随意聊聊呢?要营造浪漫,可以挑一只别致的盘子,在上面放几朵茎部完全去掉的盛开鲜花,再浮两三枚燃点着的蜡烛,让水影映照着火光。 用餐时以花果点缀也很有情趣,可是你不用花很多钱在桌子上堆满一大把。请同学到家里喝下午茶,就预先准备了以钻石玫瑰,雏菊,三色堇等小花蕾和草莓做成的冰块。把这些冰块放到客人的果汁中,非常夺目,冰溶后花儿还会荡在杯中。
家中摆放鲜花还要因应不同的场合,是与好友共聚吗?还是与情人相会?是正式的宴会还是随意聊聊呢?要营造浪漫,可以挑一只别致的盘子,在上面放几朵茎部完全去掉的盛开鲜花,再浮两三枚燃点着的蜡烛,让水影映照着火光。 用餐时以花果点缀也很有情趣,可是你不用花很多钱在桌子上堆满一大把。请同学到家里喝下午茶,就预先准备了以钻石玫瑰,雏菊,三色堇等小花蕾和草莓做成的冰块。把这些冰块放到客人的果汁中,非常夺目,冰溶后花儿还会荡在杯中。
鲜花的美丽令人眩目。鲜花造型是现代商业影楼婚纱摄影中最为流行、时尚的选型材料。 一、造型鲜花的寓意 作为一位化妆造型师,要想让鲜花能在你的手中锦上添花,首先要对鲜花有一定的了解。比如,影楼中最常用的花有百合、玫瑰、洋兰、满天星&&。这些花各有寓意,只有了解了,才能更好地利用。 玫瑰:玫瑰主要用来传递爱情的信息。不同的玫瑰花有着不同的意义,如红色代表我爱你;深红色代表不知不觉的美丽;白玫瑰表示纯洁和神圣的爱,婚礼白表示幸福的爱;今天,黄玫瑰表示快乐和高兴,历史上则曾代表爱的减少或丧失;珊瑚色代表期望;橘黄色代表令人着迷和热情;淡紫色玫瑰表示一见钟情;浅粉色玫瑰表示优雅、高贵和钦佩;深紫色玫瑰表示感谢;通常暗颜色玫瑰表示友谊。红玫瑰和黄玫瑰混合表示祝贺,黄玫瑰和橘黄色玫瑰在一起表示热烈的思念。红玫瑰和白玫瑰表示婚姻美满。 康乃馨:大部分康乃馨都代表了爱、魅力和尊敬之情。浅红色代表钦佩,深红色代表深深的爱和关怀。纯白色代表了纯洁的爱和幸运;花纹康乃馨代表拒绝求爱时的道歉。粉红色康乃馨具有最重要的象征和历史意义,因此粉红色康乃馨成为了不朽的母爱的象征。 剑兰:剑兰花代表了怀念之情.也表示爱恋、用心、长寿、康宁、福禄。 百合花:在基督教中,百合花象征着纯洁、贞洁和天真无邪。在复活节时,百合花束经常出现在基督徒家庭中,因为它是耶稣复活的象征。在中国,百合花是母爱的象征。在古罗马和希腊的婚礼上。百合花象征着纯洁和天真,用百合花配有麦穗作为新娘的头饰,寓意着五谷丰登,百年好合。在中古世纪,百合花象征着女性之美。百合花代表了纯洁的心灵。百合花色彩丰富,大多数人把白色百合花同天真无邪和甜蜜联系在一起。白百合花被认为是圣母之花,黄色百合花表示感激和快乐。 蝴蝶兰:花形似彩蝶。花姿优美动人,极富装饰性。蝴蝶兰代表我爱你,是新娘捧花中的重要花材。 满天星:代表了关心,纯洁、成功、喜悦,被称百搭花。 情人草:蓬松轻盈。状如云雾,常散插在主要花材之表面或空隙中,增加层次感,起烘托、陪衬和填充作用,在婚礼用花和造型中最不可缺少的花材。它寓意着浪漫。 勿忘我:它寓意着浓情厚意,永恒的友谊,不要忘了我、真挚的爱。 扶郎花:(非洲菊)象征有毅力、不畏艰难。有些地区喜欢在结婚庆典时用扶郎花扎成花束布置新房。取其谐意,体现新婚夫妇互敬互爱之意.非洲菊花形放射状,常作插花主体,多与肾蕨、文竹相配置。 马蹄莲:象征圣法虔诚,永结同心,吉祥如意。在欧美国家的婚礼中,是新娘捧花的常用花材。 洋兰:它代表了人们的倾慕之情。 黄莺:代表着野趣。 二、造型鲜花的挑选和保养方法 顾客想用什么样的鲜花为自己妆扮,我们必须在顾客预约的时候就了解到。看顾客喜欢什么样的花或化妆造型师根据新娘的实际情况加以设计,订好单。首先我们在顾客来拍照之前一定要把花材预备好。在挑选鲜花的时候要注意的有:花朵充实、饱满、无伤、色彩鲜明叶绿、无病害、新鲜;茎秆粗壮、挺直、较长;切口整齐、干净、颜色正常,无腐败变色现象,手摸切口无滑腻感。买回或采回的花材大多有些脱水,复水后的花材才能有神采,复水时先将花茎下部切去I2厘米,用清水淋湿花材,用报纸等易吸水、透气的纸张包紧,插入盛有充足水分的水桶,放在阴凉处。透气对鲜花十分重要,因为鲜花是活植物,也要呼吸。不要将鲜花紧紧包裹在不透气的塑料袋中,最好将暂时不用的鲜花包裹在潮湿报纸中保存,但注意易腐烂的花材不要搞得过湿,如康乃馨,否则会适得其反。温度是促使花开的重要原因,如能使鲜花处于1215℃的环境中,花儿可开放得更长久。 三、花造和整体造型的搭配 美丽动人的鲜花头饰,可依照理想的礼服款式、头发长度、新娘捧花的种类和照片的整体色调做出合谐完美的搭配。搭配一个完美而合理的新娘鲜花头饰,应该以配合个人的脸型、年纪、身份、化妆等方面作为设计的基石,过份标新立异的设计,不适宜作为新娘的头花设计。不同脸型的新娘,在搭配头饰时亦不同。 圆型脸:圆型的脸给人稚气未脱的感觉.所以要把花朵的重心置于头顶较高的位置或成纵向的排列,加重强调脸部的纵轴,呈现成熟妩媚之美。长型脸:由于脸较长,或是脸部线条较不柔和的顾客。原则上应将头饰放在脸颊的两侧。两侧较高位置给人可爱的感觉,较低位置则落落大方。但要注意横向的体积太大会让人显得土气。 以下是现代商业影新娘鲜花造型中常用的造型: 1、双点式 这种造型给人活泼、俏丽的感觉,较适宜性格开朗、身材娇小的新娘。方法为:将头发一分为二,发缝可依新娘的脸型而定,将两束头发分别束起,将发尾做成卷,然后将鲜花围绕在两束头发的发根位置,最后将已做卷的发尾分咸小束放到鲜花(浅色玫瑰最为适宜)上并加以固定。 2、单面式 这种造型给人端庄、典雅的感觉,较适宜一些性格温柔的新娘。方法为:将整个头发束起做一个干净整洁的造型,然后将较大的鲜花(百合花、马蹄莲最为适宜)点缀在头部的一侧,披上简洁的头纱。 3、自由式 这种造型给人浪漫、温馨的感觉,较适宜一些媚妩、俏丽的新娘。方法为:将整个头发先做成卷,将两侧头发梳起收紧,然后将后部头发打上发胶,整理有序,但不要太过于规则,要乱中有序,然后将较小的鲜花(康乃馨最为适宜)点缀在发丝当中,再用满天星加以点缀,整个妆面要求富有动感。 4、中心式 这种造型给人端庄、大方的感觉,较适宜一些端庄、文静的新娘。方法为:将整个头发先做成卷,然后将粉玫瑰和满天星做的花环,固定在头上。 5、发髻式 这种造型给人古典、典雅的感觉,较适宜一些温柔、小家碧玉型的新娘。方法为:将烫过的头发向外翻卷做成月形槽发型,再在其上插上鲜花。
如果你正在考虑MBA联考英语,现在你可以获得美国百年名校传统校园学位,完全通过远程课程学习,攻读本科、硕士、MBA等专业,只需2~5万人民币,学位全球企业认可。1)学位证书和出国留学在校园取得的完全一样,不注明“网络远程”字样;2)百年名校学位全球企业认可,在读期间有跨国企业带薪实习工作机会; 3)部分大学提供职场热门的中英双语课程,升职充电必备;4)出国深造学分可转、提高奖学金成功率、移民可加分。以下列出几所国内比较热门的美国大学供参考:Churchman Business School 特色:成立于1911年,有中英双语,商业专业较强。Franklin Pierce University 特色:成立于1962年,健康管理专业较强。Indiana State University 特色:成立于1865年,犯罪学比较强,还有一些实用专业如护理。主持人:张老师,请您再解答两个问题,09年MBA联考的英语与2008年联考英语相比,您预测一下,或者说展望一下考试的难度。 张老师:难度不会有太大的提升。 主持人:在难度不会太大提升的情况下,09年联考英语命题的趋势和方向是否可以给考生明确一下。比如主观题、客观题。 张老师:一般来说主观题变化不会太大,要变化在客观题上有一些变化,比方说阅读理解难易度会有变化,一般主观题不会有太大变化。 主持人:近年MBA英语考试题型和规律比较固定。 张老师:对,一般比较固定。题型和分值基本做了明确规定。 主持人:MBA考试阅读理解占了40分,MBA英语阅读理解考试与考研和四六级相比有没有自己的特点? 张老师:肯定有自己的特点,与考研的方向导向不一样,阅读理解我们重要是在理解信息方面做文章多一些,考研在阅读理解方面多一些。MBA在选材方面也不一样,MBA选材多趋向于相对专业,而不是绝对专业,像经济、商务、管理、人文、科普的文章多一些,选择的文章有一定针对性,针对MBA考生的特点。 主持人:你能否针对关于如何选择英语的复习材料做一下介绍。 张老师:复习材料很多,机械工业出版社出版了一套辅导书,相对来说作为方向性、指导性,对于强化班同学来说,可能不一定完全满足较高层次的需求,如果我们进入强化阶段的学习,我们还会有一本关于英语辅导配套书,是针对强化班同学来的,这本书会在八月中旬推出来,这本书主要对象是什么呢?主要针对强化班来的,也就是在基础班的基础上,针对MBA考试的难度特点进行一个针对性的拔高性的训练。相对来说,通过这套书的复习,对于MBA考试的考生是比较受益。 主持人:是中国国际出版集团朝华出版社出版的吗? 张老师:对。 主持人:请给考生说几句激励的话。 张老师:作为考生考MBA,一定要方向明确,目的明确,方向清晰,思维要清晰,考MBA的考生都是抱着远大理想和目标的,这是毋庸置疑,在实现目标过程中,我希望所有考生要有一个很好的心态,一定要坚持,要有一种克服困难的勇气和能力,坚持是我们考试中最重要的元素,我们考试除了考知识,最重要是考我们的应变能力。 主持人:谢谢张老师。
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
about MBA
The Master Builders Association is Australia’s major building and construction industry association—and Australia's oldest industry association. Founded in the early 1870s in Melbourne, Sydney and Newcastle, the movement quickly grew in each state and territory before being federated nationally in 1890.Since that time, the Master Builders has grown to over 31,200 member companies, with offices in all major cities of Australia. It employs over 250 experienced staff with qualifications in a diverse range of disciplines including building, engineering, law, management, economics, marketing, accounting, industrial relations, safety, building surveying and training.
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Global MBA Rankings 2009 Business School Rankings. Rank in 2009, 3 year average rank, School name, Country, Weighted salary (US$) , Salary percentage increase Employed at three months (%)
1 1 University of Pennsylvania: Wharton U.S.A. 169,784 119 89 ( 98)
1 3 London Business School U.K. 146,565 121 90 ( 97)
3 4 Harvard Business School U.S.A. 163,637 115 93 ( 99)
4 3 Columbia Business School U.S.A. 164,310 132 92 ( 93)
5 6 Insead France / Singapore 147,908 108 89 ( 95)
6 4 Stanford University GSB U.S.A. 170,340 105 93 ( 99)
6 8 IE Business School Spain 132,925 169 91 ( 86)
8 10 Ceibs China 151,641 179 92 ( 94)
9 10 MIT: Sloan U.S.A. 156,451 121 90 ( 95)
10 10 New York University: Stern U.S.A. 144,125 133 93 ( 96)
1 1 University of Pennsylvania: Wharton U.S.A. 169,784 119 89 ( 98)
1 3 London Business School U.K. 146,565 121 90 ( 97)
3 4 Harvard Business School U.S.A. 163,637 115 93 ( 99)
4 3 Columbia Business School U.S.A. 164,310 132 92 ( 93)
5 6 Insead France / Singapore 147,908 108 89 ( 95)
6 4 Stanford University GSB U.S.A. 170,340 105 93 ( 99)
6 8 IE Business School Spain 132,925 169 91 ( 86)
8 10 Ceibs China 151,641 179 92 ( 94)
9 10 MIT: Sloan U.S.A. 156,451 121 90 ( 95)
10 10 New York University: Stern U.S.A. 144,125 133 93 ( 96)
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Leaving money for the dead
A Brooklyn lawyer, a used car salesman and a banker were gathered by a coffin containing the body of an old friend. In his grief, one of the three said, "In my family, we have a custom of giving the dead some money, so they have something to spend over there."They all agreed that this was appropriate. The banker dropped a hundred dollar bill into the casket, and the car salesman did the same. The lawyer took out the bills and wrote a check for $300.
Criminal Lawyer
A man walked into the local Chamber of Commerce of a small town, obviously desperate. Seeing a man at the counter, the stranger asks, "Is there a criminal lawyer in town?" To which the man behind the counter immediately quipped, "Yes, but we haven't been able to prove it yet!"
maybe can i go to law firm?
yesterday i lost my work because of economic crisist,my boss said he couldn't give my salary. shit! why didn't he say it when he is crazy on my body?
my friend tell me a information a law firm need a typer girl, i don't know whether i will go. the law firm is the bigest of china law firm. it is a choice to me. will i lose a chance? i don't know!
maybe i will pay attention to the law firm and lawyer,maybe several days later i'm a lawyer,ahaa!
my friend tell me a information a law firm need a typer girl, i don't know whether i will go. the law firm is the bigest of china law firm. it is a choice to me. will i lose a chance? i don't know!
maybe i will pay attention to the law firm and lawyer,maybe several days later i'm a lawyer,ahaa!
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Pegging Down Roses
There are exceptions, as may well be imagined, among the wonderful variety that is found in roses at the present day. The first exception is found in those varieties that make vigorous growth even when hard pruned; this would seem to indicate that the orthodox method is not for them. Neither, in fact, is it suitable. If grown in a bed or border away from wall or fence, the proper way to treat them is by means of what is known as " pegging down." This, rendered plain, signifies that instead of being cut back in March, the growths of the previous year are scarcely, if at all, shortened (although if the tips are soft they are cut off), and they are secured to the ground by means of pegs. This is easily accomplished by tying a piece of string to the end of the shoot and tying this to a peg stuck in the soil. This miniature rose arch will be one mass of blossom in summer. Each bud will produce a bloom or bunch of blooms according to its habit. The grower proceeds in autumn to cut out the growths that have flowered, so that fresh shoots may have it all to themselves. They, too, are treated in the same way the following spring; thus in roses of this type there is a constant succession of young growths of great vigor taking the place of those that have given their bloom, and each year's supply is pegged down in March. There is no danger of the supply giving out if the old shoots are regularly cut out when the flowers are over. Such roses as these take up a lot of room, and it is useless to grow them in the same bed with others of ordinary vigor, for the latter will be simply smothered. I know this from unfortunate experience, and as my garden is of limited extent ' I gave up growing them in a rose bed, and now have them against a 4 or 5 feet high fence. A few sorts that I have found need this treatment are Frau Karl Druschkil Hugh Dickson, Mrs. Stewart Clark and Clio. But one may peg down any rose that makes unduly vigorous growth if one wishes to have plenty of blossom and there is the necessary room at disposal.
rose plant
Plant breeders have given us roses that grow well under difficult conditions and bloom almost continuously from early summer to frost. Proper plant nutrition is easy and simple to provide with the use complete plant food that supplies all the vital elements needed from the soil. Insect and disease problems can be prevented easily with regular use of insecticide-fungicide that controls most chewing insects, sucking insects, and fungus diseases. With these aids, you can grow roses successfully. GOOD STOCK: Buy good plants, preferably No. 1, two years old, field grown and budded plants. Plants that are not pruned should have 3 or more heavy 18-inch canes. Pruned plants should have canes with a diameter of at least 1/4 inch at the top. Plants potted in tar paper pots are preferred by many gardeners since they can be transplanted most any time of the year.
PLANTING: Select a sunny, well-drained location. Trim off all broken and bruised roots, cut top growth back to 6 to 8 inches. Dig planting holes at least 6 inches deeper than needed for the plant roots. Make holes large enough to accommodate roots without crowding or bending. Place a handful of small rocks or pebbles in the bottom of holes to facilitate drainage. Mix 1 tablespoonful of fertilizer with the soil placed over the drainage material. Cover this mixture with plain soil, bringing the level to desired planting depth. Make a mound in the center to receive plant. Set plant roots over this mound, spread roots, and fill in with soil. Firm the soil tightly 2 or 3 times while filling the hole.
SUMMER CARE: The cultural practices differ but little in various sections of the country, with exception of timing of operations that depend upon climate. Artificial watering may be necessary if summer rainfall is insufficient. If soil is well drained, there is not much danger of overwatering. When watering, soak the soil to a depth of 6 to 8 inches ... do not merely sprinkle. CULTIVATION is necessary to eliminate weeds and keep soil loose. Deep cultivation in midsummer is harmful when the roots are close to the surface. MULCHING during the summer will eliminate weeds, necessity of cultivation, and reduce moisture evaporation. Mulches should be applied 2 or 3 weeks before roses come into bloom.
WINTER PROTECTION: It's not extreme cold that kills roses but rather the frequent alternate freezing and thawing that heaves the plant, thus breaking the roots. The winter sun and dry winds take moisture away from the canes and make winter injury more of a problem. Winter mulching with straw, peat moss, or other material is advisable in all but the extreme southern sections of the United States. This mulch regulates the soil temperature and tempers the effects of freezing and thawing. Pull soil up around each plant to a height of about 6 inches after the first frost, then after the ground is frozen r mulch.
PLANTING: Select a sunny, well-drained location. Trim off all broken and bruised roots, cut top growth back to 6 to 8 inches. Dig planting holes at least 6 inches deeper than needed for the plant roots. Make holes large enough to accommodate roots without crowding or bending. Place a handful of small rocks or pebbles in the bottom of holes to facilitate drainage. Mix 1 tablespoonful of fertilizer with the soil placed over the drainage material. Cover this mixture with plain soil, bringing the level to desired planting depth. Make a mound in the center to receive plant. Set plant roots over this mound, spread roots, and fill in with soil. Firm the soil tightly 2 or 3 times while filling the hole.
SUMMER CARE: The cultural practices differ but little in various sections of the country, with exception of timing of operations that depend upon climate. Artificial watering may be necessary if summer rainfall is insufficient. If soil is well drained, there is not much danger of overwatering. When watering, soak the soil to a depth of 6 to 8 inches ... do not merely sprinkle. CULTIVATION is necessary to eliminate weeds and keep soil loose. Deep cultivation in midsummer is harmful when the roots are close to the surface. MULCHING during the summer will eliminate weeds, necessity of cultivation, and reduce moisture evaporation. Mulches should be applied 2 or 3 weeks before roses come into bloom.
WINTER PROTECTION: It's not extreme cold that kills roses but rather the frequent alternate freezing and thawing that heaves the plant, thus breaking the roots. The winter sun and dry winds take moisture away from the canes and make winter injury more of a problem. Winter mulching with straw, peat moss, or other material is advisable in all but the extreme southern sections of the United States. This mulch regulates the soil temperature and tempers the effects of freezing and thawing. Pull soil up around each plant to a height of about 6 inches after the first frost, then after the ground is frozen r mulch.
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Rose Plant Care
When watering Roses, soak the soil to a depth of 6 to 8 inches, do not merely sprinkle.
When it comes to fertilizing your roses, Provide a balanced diet to your roses. See what your plant is deficient in and try to include them in the fertilizer. Timing is also an important part to maximize the benefit of your fertilizer so that the nutrients are available to the plant when it needs it most – during the active growing and blooming stage.Order your rose fertilizer now to enhance the vigor of blooming in your roses.
Mulching during the summer will eliminate weeds amonf Rose plants. Mulches should be applied 2 or 3 weeks before the Roses come into bloom.
Winter mulching with straw, peat moss, or other material is advisable. This mulch regulates the soil temperature and tempers the effects of freezing and thawing on thr Roses.
Pull soil up around each Rose plant to a height of about 6 inches after the first frost.
When it comes to fertilizing your roses, Provide a balanced diet to your roses. See what your plant is deficient in and try to include them in the fertilizer. Timing is also an important part to maximize the benefit of your fertilizer so that the nutrients are available to the plant when it needs it most – during the active growing and blooming stage.Order your rose fertilizer now to enhance the vigor of blooming in your roses.
Mulching during the summer will eliminate weeds amonf Rose plants. Mulches should be applied 2 or 3 weeks before the Roses come into bloom.
Winter mulching with straw, peat moss, or other material is advisable. This mulch regulates the soil temperature and tempers the effects of freezing and thawing on thr Roses.
Pull soil up around each Rose plant to a height of about 6 inches after the first frost.
How to grow Roses
Foolproof Guide to Growing Roses by Field Roebuck is a comprehensive book on growing roses ideal for would-be growers who were always afraid of roses, as well as for gardeners who already grow these beautiful flowers and want to learn more.
Roses may be grown in any well-drained soil with optimum sunlight.
Most Rose varieties are grown by budding on an understock (lower portion of a plant) propagated from seeds or cuttings. Order rose seeds online and let your garden be filled with the marvellous color and fragrance of roses.
Clay soils, warm temperatures are always preferred, and the rose plants grow best when not set among other plants.
Cow manure is the preferred fertilizer for Rose cultivation, but other organic fertilizers, especially composts, are also used.
Rose plants usually require severe pruning, which must be adapted to the intended use of the flowers.
Trim off all broken and bruised roots on the Rose plant, cut top growth back to 6 to 8 inches.
Dig planting holes at least 6 inches deeper to accommodate the roots of the Rose plant without crowding or bending.
Mix 1 tablespoonful of fertilizer with the soil placed over the drainage material.
Cover this mixture with plain soil, bringing the level to desired planting depth.
Make a mound in the center to receive the Rose plant.
Set Rose plant roots over this mound, spread the roots, and fill in with soil.
Firm the soil tightly 2 or 3 times while filling the hole.
Roses may be grown in any well-drained soil with optimum sunlight.
Most Rose varieties are grown by budding on an understock (lower portion of a plant) propagated from seeds or cuttings. Order rose seeds online and let your garden be filled with the marvellous color and fragrance of roses.
Clay soils, warm temperatures are always preferred, and the rose plants grow best when not set among other plants.
Cow manure is the preferred fertilizer for Rose cultivation, but other organic fertilizers, especially composts, are also used.
Rose plants usually require severe pruning, which must be adapted to the intended use of the flowers.
Trim off all broken and bruised roots on the Rose plant, cut top growth back to 6 to 8 inches.
Dig planting holes at least 6 inches deeper to accommodate the roots of the Rose plant without crowding or bending.
Mix 1 tablespoonful of fertilizer with the soil placed over the drainage material.
Cover this mixture with plain soil, bringing the level to desired planting depth.
Make a mound in the center to receive the Rose plant.
Set Rose plant roots over this mound, spread the roots, and fill in with soil.
Firm the soil tightly 2 or 3 times while filling the hole.
Facts About Roses
The birthplace of the cultivated Rose was probably Northern Persia, on the Caspian, or Faristan on the Gulf of Persia.
Historically, the oldest Rose fossils have been found in Colorado, dating back to more than 35 million years ago.
Roses were considered the most sacred flowers in ancient Egypt and were used as offerings for the Goddess Isis. Roses have also been found in Egyptian tombs, where they were formed into funerary wreaths.
Confucius, 551 BC to 479 BC, reported that the Imperial Chinese library had many books on Roses.
Ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia (in the Tigris-Euphrates River Valley) mentioned Roses in a cuneiform tablet (a system of writing) written in approximately 2860 BC.
The English were already cultivating and hybridizing Roses in the 15th Century when the English War of Roses took place. The winner of the war, Tudor Henry VII, created the Rose of England (Tudor Rose) by crossbreeding other Roses.
While no Black Rose yet exists, there are some of such a deep Red color as to suggest Black.
Roses are omnipresent and grown over all parts of the globe.
The Netherlands is the world's leading exporter of Roses.
Historically, the oldest Rose fossils have been found in Colorado, dating back to more than 35 million years ago.
Roses were considered the most sacred flowers in ancient Egypt and were used as offerings for the Goddess Isis. Roses have also been found in Egyptian tombs, where they were formed into funerary wreaths.
Confucius, 551 BC to 479 BC, reported that the Imperial Chinese library had many books on Roses.
Ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia (in the Tigris-Euphrates River Valley) mentioned Roses in a cuneiform tablet (a system of writing) written in approximately 2860 BC.
The English were already cultivating and hybridizing Roses in the 15th Century when the English War of Roses took place. The winner of the war, Tudor Henry VII, created the Rose of England (Tudor Rose) by crossbreeding other Roses.
While no Black Rose yet exists, there are some of such a deep Red color as to suggest Black.
Roses are omnipresent and grown over all parts of the globe.
The Netherlands is the world's leading exporter of Roses.
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Holiday Flowers

One of my friends presented me with two forced paper white narcissus bulbs a few weeks ago. The bulbs had barely started to sprout, but they'd sunk down roots into the watery pebbles in their container. Then, a few days before our annual holiday party, the bulbs had a growth spurt, and sprouted delicate, white flowers for the party. What perfect timing! Unfortunately, some of the other bulbs that I'm forcing look like they're going to bloom right around Christmas — when I'm in Wisconsin visiting my extended family.
Have you forced any bulbs this holiday season? Have you made it a tradition to do so? If not, what holiday flowers do you decorate with? Do you have favorites, or do you range all over the floral map?
Name This Flower
Monday, 12 January 2009
Rose is a history
People have been passionate about roses since the beginning of time. In fact, it is said that the floors of Cleopatra's palace were carpeted with delicate rose petals, and that the wise and knowing Confucius had a 600-book library specifically on how to care for roses.
The rose is a legend on its own. The story goes that during the Roman Empire, there was an incredibly beautiful maiden named Rhodanthe. Her beauty drew many zealous suitors who pursued her relentlessly. Exhausted by their pursuit, Rhodanthe was forced to take refuge from her suitors in the temple of her friend Diana. Unfortunately, Diana became jealous. And when the suitors broke down her temple gates to get near their beloved Rhodanthe, she became angry turning Rhodanthe into a rose and her suitors into thorns.
In Greek legend, the rose was created by Chloris, the Greek goddess of flowers. It was just a lifeless seed of a nymph that Chloris found one day in a clearing in the woods. She asked the help of Aphrodite, the goddess of love, who gave her beauty Dionysus, the god of wine, added nectar to give her a sweet scent, and the three Graces gave her charm, brightness and joy. Then Zephyr, the West Wind, blew away the clouds so that Apollo, the sun god, could shine and made this flower bloom. And so the Rose was born and was immediately crowned the Queen of Flowers.
The first true primary red rose seen in Europe was "Slater's Crimson China" introduced in 1792 from China, where it had been growing wild in the mountains. Immediately, rose breeders began using it to hybridize red roses for cultivation. Ever since, the quest for the perfect red rose has been the Holy Grail of rosarians: a fragrant, disease-resistant, long-lasting, long-stemmed, reblooming, perfectly formed rose with a clear non-fading vivid red color. Absolute perfection still hasn't been attained, and of course never will!
There is a special rose language invented as a secret means of communication between lovers who were not allowed to express their love for one another openly. In the mid 18th century the wife of the British ambassador in Constantinople described this in her letters, which were published after her death. These letters inspired many books on the language of flowers, each describing the secret message hidden in each flower. A red rose bud stands for budding desire, an open white rose asks "Will you love me?", an open red rose means "I'm full of love and desire", while an open yellow rose asks "Don't you love me any more?"
The rose is a legend on its own. The story goes that during the Roman Empire, there was an incredibly beautiful maiden named Rhodanthe. Her beauty drew many zealous suitors who pursued her relentlessly. Exhausted by their pursuit, Rhodanthe was forced to take refuge from her suitors in the temple of her friend Diana. Unfortunately, Diana became jealous. And when the suitors broke down her temple gates to get near their beloved Rhodanthe, she became angry turning Rhodanthe into a rose and her suitors into thorns.
In Greek legend, the rose was created by Chloris, the Greek goddess of flowers. It was just a lifeless seed of a nymph that Chloris found one day in a clearing in the woods. She asked the help of Aphrodite, the goddess of love, who gave her beauty Dionysus, the god of wine, added nectar to give her a sweet scent, and the three Graces gave her charm, brightness and joy. Then Zephyr, the West Wind, blew away the clouds so that Apollo, the sun god, could shine and made this flower bloom. And so the Rose was born and was immediately crowned the Queen of Flowers.
The first true primary red rose seen in Europe was "Slater's Crimson China" introduced in 1792 from China, where it had been growing wild in the mountains. Immediately, rose breeders began using it to hybridize red roses for cultivation. Ever since, the quest for the perfect red rose has been the Holy Grail of rosarians: a fragrant, disease-resistant, long-lasting, long-stemmed, reblooming, perfectly formed rose with a clear non-fading vivid red color. Absolute perfection still hasn't been attained, and of course never will!
There is a special rose language invented as a secret means of communication between lovers who were not allowed to express their love for one another openly. In the mid 18th century the wife of the British ambassador in Constantinople described this in her letters, which were published after her death. These letters inspired many books on the language of flowers, each describing the secret message hidden in each flower. A red rose bud stands for budding desire, an open white rose asks "Will you love me?", an open red rose means "I'm full of love and desire", while an open yellow rose asks "Don't you love me any more?"
new year rose
hello,my friends,i'm back.are you miss me?
at new year my boy friend give me a rose,he said he will take care me like the only rose, can i belief him?
how do you new year holiday,my friends?we are older one year,pleasure or trouble?
wish you can continue take your attention at my blog,thank you!
Happy new year later!
at new year my boy friend give me a rose,he said he will take care me like the only rose, can i belief him?
how do you new year holiday,my friends?we are older one year,pleasure or trouble?
wish you can continue take your attention at my blog,thank you!
Happy new year later!
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
Wisteria flower
Concerning wisteria flower, there is an old beautiful story went that: a pretty girl, who desired a tender passion, so she prayed the matchmaker wearing red clothes to bring her dream off every day. Finally, the matchmaker wearing red clothes was much moved by her God-fearing heart, and said to her in her dream, when the spring was in arrival, in the small grove behind the mountain, she would meet a handsome boy who wore white clothes, which was her tender passion prayed for the matchmaker.
Till the day when it was warm and blooming, the God-fearing girl went alone to the grove keeping the appointment, and awaited her tender passion ─the handsome boy′s arrival. But till the nightfall, the boy did not appear yet, she felt very lost, at that moment, yet she was bit in the ankle by a snake. She could not walk and go home; she was full of fear in heart. When she felt despair and helpless, the boy appeared, she cried for help with surprise, the boy went up to her and sucked the snake poison out of her ankle, from that time, she fell in love with him deeply.
But the boy was born in a poor family; both their parents were against their marriage, finally, they jumped down the cliff together. A tree grew up at the edge of the cliff where they jumped down for their feelings, which wrapped of a vine accidentally, and the vine bloomed with beautiful flowers, the flowers was purple with blue, shining as clouds.
Many years later, people called the flowers on the vine wisteria flower, for the wisteria flower could not live alone, but wrap the tree to live, some people said the wisteria flower was the girl′s soul, the tree was the boy′s soul. Wisteria lived for emotion, but died without love.
How sad and beautiful the story is!
Till the day when it was warm and blooming, the God-fearing girl went alone to the grove keeping the appointment, and awaited her tender passion ─the handsome boy′s arrival. But till the nightfall, the boy did not appear yet, she felt very lost, at that moment, yet she was bit in the ankle by a snake. She could not walk and go home; she was full of fear in heart. When she felt despair and helpless, the boy appeared, she cried for help with surprise, the boy went up to her and sucked the snake poison out of her ankle, from that time, she fell in love with him deeply.
But the boy was born in a poor family; both their parents were against their marriage, finally, they jumped down the cliff together. A tree grew up at the edge of the cliff where they jumped down for their feelings, which wrapped of a vine accidentally, and the vine bloomed with beautiful flowers, the flowers was purple with blue, shining as clouds.
Many years later, people called the flowers on the vine wisteria flower, for the wisteria flower could not live alone, but wrap the tree to live, some people said the wisteria flower was the girl′s soul, the tree was the boy′s soul. Wisteria lived for emotion, but died without love.
How sad and beautiful the story is!
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